Jewelry/Metals Studio Renovation

Jewelry Studio-5 for homepage box

This project, completed late-September 2014, was supported by the Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs along with several individual donors. Aside from the much needed updating, the major changes also mean that we can now open this studio to individuals with special needs – something not possible before because we weren’t able to sufficiently isolate potentially dangerous equipment.

Jewelry Studio before renovation-2 sm BEFORE Jewelry Studio-2 sm AFTER Jewelry Studio before renovation-5 sm BEFOREJewelry Studio-8 sm AFTER Jewelry Studio-7 SM AFTER

THESE ARE ALL “AFTER” PHOTOS  Jewelry Studio-16 sm Jewelry Studio-13 sm Jewelry Studio-11 sm Jewelry Studio-10 sm Jewelry Studio-9 sm Jewelry Studio-6 sm Jewelry Studio-4 sm Jewelry Studio-3 sm Images by Gwenn Rosseau